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iOS 6.1.3이 과연 iOS의 문제들을 고칠 수 있을 것인가.

새로 발표될 iOS 6.1.3 버전에선 잠금화면의 보안의 취약점을 중점적으로 다룹니다.

애플은 보안성이 문제가 됬던 iOS 6.1때문에 iOS 6.1.3을 발표한다고 합니다. 

iOS 6.1.3은 개발자 시험중에 있고 곧 발표할 계획입니다. 

아이폰 iOS 6.1의 잠금화면 취약성은 누구나 그것의 개인정보 접근할 수 있게 한다는 걸 알고있습니다.

iOS 6.1.3 베타2는 보안문제를 고치기 위한 것입니다. 

2월에 발표되었던 iOS 6.1은 여러 문제들을 만들었었습니다. 사용자들은 배터리에 관한 것이나 과열과 같은 문제들을 발견했었습니다.

과연 iOS 6.1.3이 이러한 문제들을 해결할 수 있을까요?

그것은 iOS 6.1.3이 발표되면 알 수 있게될 것입니다.  

Developer preview out now

Apple will address the big security flaw that was found within iOS 6.1 with the release of iOS 6.1.3. The new update was just seeded to developers for testing and will be available to the masses presumably in the coming weeks.

As we previously reported, a vulnerability on the iPhone 6.1 lockscreen allows anyone to bypass a password lock and access personal information. It's as simple as?locking the device, sliding to unlock, making an emergency call, hanging up, and then quickly holding the sleep button once again.?

iOS 6.1.3 beta 2 brings a fix for the security issue, as promised by Apple. Currently it is?available?for developers a part of the Developer Center who pay for early access and testing. The release?will also brings?enhancements?to Apple Maps in Japan.

The release of iOS 6.1 in early February brought several other issues to iOS devices. Users reported issues with the battery and overheating, and Apple subsequently?released iOS 6.1.2 on 19 February that is said to squash several of those bugs.?

We'll be on the lookout for when iOS 6.1.3 will be available on all iOS devices.

출처 : http://www.news-republic.com/Web/ArticleWeb.aspx?regionid=3&articleid=6944337